Sunday, November 15, 2009


Buying Gold As a Long Term Investment
By []Jack Wogan

The price of gold fluctuates because more gold can be mined, but gold is not consumed in any way, it is bought and kept safe by collectors. When collectors, or anyone who wants to sell gold, comes out with his share, the supply of gold that is available increases. This pushes the prices down although, as soon as people are informed about it, there is an excessive demand, which pushes the price back up.

Such investment coins help to get around currency debasement and devaluation. When searching on the internet for a guide to bullion investment, people get confused by the discrepancies in the informational blogs and articles about gold investment.

Such bullion coins, on the other hand, sell in small amounts according to the gold content in them, and hence, they make the best gold investments. In 1933, President Roosevelt called a gold call-in, where all the excess gold was collected. Americans were allowed to hold a minute amount of coins whose prices were dictated by collectors instead of their gold content. Collectors and numismatic coins are sold at high prices. Sometimes, their prices are many times the value of their gold content.

Restoration unleashed the new era in bullion investments in 1974. Trading re-strikes of the Mexican 50 pesos and the Austrian 100 Coronas, gold bullion coins rose. Although this gold bullion coin market was actually launched with the introduction of the South African Krugerrands.

The best selling gold-investment coins, throughout the world, are the American Gold Eagles. However, the Krugerrand still remains popular, probably because they are sold at a lower price than the Gold Eagles.

Gold Eagles and Krugerrands are more favoured due to a few reasons, the basic of which is that they hold an ounce of gold while the 50 Pesos and the 100 Coronas contain lesser. Gold Eagles and Krugerrands have their gold content imprinted on them in English. Pesos have it imprinted in another language while Coronas do not have the content printed at all.

Other gold-bullion coin that is still popular is the Canadian Maple Leaf. This was once as famous as the Gold Eagles but since its design was changed; it is very fragile in the sense that it shows scratches on it very easily. The Mexican Pesos and the Austrian 100 Coronas, the lesser known gold bullion coins, are excellent investments as they are bought at lower prices than the Krugerrands. Those who seek profitable bargains should also inquire about the Mexican 50 pesos and the Austrian 100 coronas.

There are more coins available in the market although they are not as such recommended. An example would be the old European gold bullion coins. These coins do not have the value of their content imprinted on them which makes them a risky investment. Other less known investment coins include Australian Kangaroo or Nuggets, Austrian Philharmonics and Hungarian 100 Koronas.

Jack Wagon is a gold investment expert. You can buy pure []gold bars and get complete information about buying gold bars at his recommended website at []

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successful investor

How to Become a Successful Investor Quickly
By []Mike Singh

First off, it must be emphasized that becoming a successful investor takes time. Of course, the time required to become a successful at investing varies from one person to another depending on the educational background, the breadth of experience and the personal characteristics. There are ways, however, to become more successful than your peers in a shorter amount of time. Bear in mind that these ways demand dedication and commitment from you, maybe more than you have previously poured into your other money-making endeavors.

Get A Better Education

This does not mean that you have to enroll in an Ivy League school, graduate with a doctoral degree in economics, banking and finance, business management and accounting. In fact, too much theoretical knowledge can actually harm you because you start assuming that the markets work according to fixed rules that you learnt. Instead, getting a better education means surrounding yourself with successful mentors who will teach you the ways of the investment world. You will be able to absorb valuable and practical advice that the so-called investment gurus or authors fail to mention.

Besides, it pays to know what your mentors know even before your colleagues know of it. After all, your mentors may know more top-ranking people in the companies and are, therefore, able to provide information about the organization that can help in making better decisions.

Use Tools In A Better Way

Aside from your financial intelligence, which is the best tool an investor can hope to possess, there are other tools to help you make wiser decisions. You have to use them to your advantage in more creative ways. Of course, this means that you have a basic understanding of the tools, which can include:

* Brokerage firm and trading platform that will make trading stocks faster.

* Fundamental analysis for the determination of key ratios including sales growth, earnings momentum, earnings, operating margins and relative strength.

* Technical analysis to identify the low-risk and exit prices, which will include tools like moving averages, relative strength and stochastic as well as the Elliot Wave principle.

Admittedly, every investor on the block will use these tools to earn more money on their investments. What separates your use of these tools from the rest of the crowd is your willingness to understand them more, to apply them more, and to use them more creatively. Again, your theoretical education can be your friend or your foe depending on how you wield it.

Identify Your Niche

Let's face it. You cannot become master of every investment on the planet in a very short time. Even Warren Buffet, the world's richest and, arguably, the best investor cannot take on the entire world of investments. For your part, you should start with your own niche. For example, if you choose penny stocks as a first venture, then learn the ins and outs of the market, make money from it, and then diversify to the mainstream market once you have more experience under your belt.

When you surround yourself with successful mentors and feed off their knowledge and wisdom, use investment tools to your advantage and identify your investment niche, you have greater opportunities at becoming a more successful investor in a quicker period of time.

To learn []how to trade penny stocks visit []

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best ways to invest

The 3 Best Ways to Invest For Long Term Profits
By []Chadwick Farrell

Now the economy is starting to turn up, many people who were reluctant to investing in the stock market are now becoming more interested in the financial markets. I will outline the three best ways to invest for long term profits while going through a down market.

Even though we are currently in a bear market, equities tend to outperform other asset classes and should not be entirely ignored. Be resilient in your stock pickings. During periods of recession people are not able to spend money on big ticket items like cars or high end electronics. Instead, people put their money toward necessities like food or utilities. During these down times, these are the stocks you can focus on to make profits during a recession. Stocks are good investment vehicles for long term profits.

Mutual Funds
In the face of a recession some mutual funds are better than others. One strategy to combat hard times would be to invest in bond mutual funds. These funds are particularly popular with risk-averse investors. Funds made up of U.S. Treasury bonds lead the way, as they are considered the safest. the risk of default is eliminated and the fund provides principal protection. The next best fund would be a municipal bond fund. these are issued by state and local governments and they leverage local taxing authority to provide a degree of safety. these are relatively safe investments for long term growth.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
ETFs provide a simple way to implement a professional style approach to portfolio management providing diversification and reduce overall portfolio risk. these investments are easier to monitor as they represent a core holding, the number of stocks can be decreased resulting in a portfolio that is less complex and easier to understand.

These are three investments you could use that will promote growth and profits on a long term basis. You can invest in these investments during a good or bad market.

Now I'd like to invite you to claim your free trial offer when you visit my ==> []investment page.

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6 steps to creating an investment policy statement

6 Steps to Creating an Investment Policy Statement
By []Dan Goldie

One of the most important elements of a successful investment experience is the investment policy statement. This is essentially a written investment plan that allows you (and your advisor, if you have one) to have a written implementation, management, and review program for managing your investments. This is comparable to a business plan, without which very few businesses succeed. Writing an investment policy statement is a critical first step towards successful investing.

Institutional investors operate with investment policy statements as a standard matter of practice. It is a way for them to outline their investment processes and expectations, and effectively communicate these to their investment managers. It also provides a means for measuring results. Individual investors should be using investment policy statements for the same reasons, especially if they are working with a financial advisor.

An investment policy statement outlines an investor's circumstances including their objectives and constraints, risk tolerance, return objectives, time horizon, liquidity needs, funds available for investment, and the investment methodology to be followed. It is a written roadmap or set of guidelines to help you, your family members, and your advisor navigate through an uncertain future to achieve your investment objectives.

A written policy statement helps you maintain a disciplined investment approach even when market movements are distressing and your emotions may be causing you to second-guess your strategy. It also encourages effective communication with your advisor if you have one, or with other family members if you are investing on your own. A investment policy statement also creates a framework for reviewing important factors as they may change over time.

Here are the steps to creating an investment policy statement:

(1) Establish long-term goals and objectives - for most individual investors, long-term objectives include the need for supplemental retirement income, but can also involve large future expenditures such as the purchase of a vacation home, educational funding, or other long-term financial need. Retirement income planning should account for future inflation expectations and the need to generate sufficient income to maintain your quality of life throughout retirement.

(2) Define your investment time horizon - you may have several investment objectives, each with a different investment period. These should all be identified in your policy statement. Your time horizon is important because it will affect your asset allocation and risk profile and how your investments might change over time as you get closer needing money for various goals.

(3) Determine your risk profile - investment markets can be volatile and uncertain, so it is important to establish an acceptable and appropriate amount of risk for your situation. There are many different methods that can be used to evaluate risk. Most attempt to quantify the possibility that your expected returns or asset growth will be less than expectations. A skilled financial advisor can be of great help in this area.

(4) Establish an expected rate of return - in order to reach your financial objectives, your portfolio will need to appreciate at a certain rate. You will want to consider the required rate of return and work this into your investment plan. Of course, your portfolio's expected return is a direct result of its risk level. You should establish criteria for periodic review of your results compare to benchmarks and expectations.

(5) Develop asset allocation guidelines - having a written asset allocation policy will help guide your portfolio management decisions and assist your financial advisor in the ongoing management of your assets. Your portfolio's asset classes should have a low correlation with each other to provide diversification benefits. You should also consider the expected return and risk of each asset category as it relates to the portfolio as a whole. Other considerations include liquidity, tax efficiency, and rebalancing guidelines.

(6) Document an investment methodology - there are a variety of investment strategies you can follow to implement an investment program. Be sure to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of different approaches and memorialize your personal preferences in your policy statement. This will help guide you and your advisor as market conditions change and as you might consider new investment vehicles and strategies in the future.

Dan Goldie is an []independent financial advisor and []financial planner working with high net worth individuals and families. Investment advice provided through Dan Goldie Financial Services LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor.

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детска градинка

Детска градинка

Една од клучните насоки на социјалната политика во Македонија е заштитата на децата. Заштитата на децата ги познава следниве облици на заштита:

1.згрижување и воспитание на деца од предучилишна возраст
Згрижување и воспитание на деца од предучилишна возраст е облик на заштита на деца кој како дејност се организира и обезбедува во јавни и приватни установи за деца.
Установите за згрижување и воспитание на децата се: јавна (општинска детска градинка и детска градинка на општината во Градот Скопје) и приватна детска градинка. Детските градинки организираат згрижување, престој, нега, исхрана, воспитание, образование, спортско-рекреативни, културно-забавни активности, мерки и активности за подобрување и зачувување на здравјето и за поттикнување на интелектуалниот, емоционалниот, физичкиот, менталниот и социјалниот развој на детето до 6 години живот, односно до вклучување во основното образование.
2.одмор и рекреација на деца
Одморот и рекреацијата на децата е облик на заштита на деца кој како дејност се организира за престој, активен одмор, социјализација на децата, воспитни, образовни, културно-забавни, спортско-рекреативни и други активности со децата за развивање на психомоторниот развој на децата и способност за договарање, почитување на разликите и соработка во групи, способност за прифаќање на себеси и другите и ориентација во просторот.
3.други облици на заштита
За развој на личноста на детето, талентот, менталните, физичките, креативните и другите способности, подготвување за самостоен и одговорен живот се обезбедуваат и други облици на заштита на децата како програмски активности од областа на културата, издавачката, згрижувачката и воспитната дејност, екологијата, уметноста и спортот.

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